Manage multi-recipient financial allocations that are budget-controlled
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Manage multi-recipient financial allocations that are budget-controlled
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The Allocations app is used to manage multi-recipient financial allocations that are budget-controlled.
Budgets represent a spending limit that is imposed upon an allocation category for the accounting period. For each budget, you can see the budgeted amount for a given allocation period, how much has been allocated already, and a percentage for the remaining. Budgets do not hold any value (they don't actually hold funds). The default accounting period is 30 days. At the moment, this accounting period can only be changed using the command line tools. (More details on this soon)
To create a new budget, click on the "New budget" button.
In the panel, define a name and an amount. If you ever need to edit this budget in the future, it is possible, but only the name and value can be updated - the token cannot. A budget needs to be created before an allocation can be created.
Allocations are multi-recipient fund transactions effectuated from budgets. In the Allocations history table, each allocation is listed along with the enactment date, budget category, recipient addresses, description, status, and total amount.
To create a new allocation, click on the context menu from one of your budgets and choose the "New allocation" action.
In the panel, input a description, an amount and the recipients. Make sure that the amount is not larger than your available funds, which are either the remains of your budget, or your vault's funds, if the latter is smaller than what you have as budgeted. Also, make sure that the recipients are valid Ethereum addresses.
If you don't have funds in your vault, navigate to Finance and make a deposit.
Once the transaction's been submitted, it'll be forwarded to Dot Voting for voting, which we cover in the Dot Voting documentation. As soon as the allocation's been enacted from Dot Voting, your allocation should now be visible in the Allocations app.
In our previous version of the Allocations app, the recipients could be populated using the Address Book. This required a tightly coupled relationship between the Address Book, Allocations and Dot Voting apps, which is not ideal for the long-term sustainability of the apps.
We also had many user requests for the ability to use the Address Book in applications beyond the Open Enterprise suite. To achieve both of these goals, we developed enhancements to aragonSDK although the code still needs to be reviewed and merged upstream. As soon as that occurs, the Address Book will be able to be integrated into the Allocations app.
In the near-term, the recipients field in the Allocations app is integrated with the custom labels feature.